If you seek reaching the top in terms of image and exclusivity, the best option are our event models
Our best models will give the desired unique flavor to any event or product.
Accustomed to photographic and catwalk sessions, our models will get a major impact and difusion in media .
As in other profiles , once a good selection with the client is made, we leave no stone unturned :
- Training of models on the details of the event or the product
- Monitoring the work of the models
- Quality control of actions performed
- Option to have hairdressers, stylists and make up during the event
In this high profile models is essential to have a clothing line , so it will be highly recommended to do a customized stylism for the event
We invite you to see some examples of events with high our models
We are certified by:
We are part of:
Mabert I,D + E S.L. | C.I.F.: ES B84513894 | C/ Marqués de Monteagudo 24, planta 3 - 28028 Madrid
Commerce Chamber and Bureau of Madrid - Tomo 22013 - Libro 0 - Folio 91 - Sección 8 - Hoja M392384 - Inscripción 1ª