The most demanding companies already work with A10. Now it´s your opportunity to trust our hard work to provide the best promotional staff, hostesses and models all around Spain, Europe and North America.
We deeply believe that our work will help you improve your results.
Wether you are a brand or an agency, you can hire our expertise and hard work..
Please, contact us to get a quotation for your next events, congreses and sales programs.
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hostesses, models, brand ambassadors, spain, events, trade shows, promotional staff, bilingual hostesses, event services, English hostesses, clients, hostesses in Spain
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Mabert I,D + E S.L. | C.I.F.: ES B84513894 | C/ Marqués de Monteagudo 24, planta 3 - 28028 Madrid
Commerce Chamber and Bureau of Madrid - Tomo 22013 - Libro 0 - Folio 91 - Sección 8 - Hoja M392384 - Inscripción 1ª